Although coming now to a close this September, Project Remote saw great success with it’s innovative approach for education in the Bering Strait region and will leave lasting effects for communities.

Kawerak’s Community Education Department was awarded a one-time ANEP grant in 2021 to implement a 3-year program supporting online education throughout the Bering Strait region. The grant came at a time when much of the world was moving online, an unexpected but necessary result of COVID. Although COVID was not the motivating factor for this project, when more educational facilities made online learning more accessible and new, affordable and rural-compatible satellite internet was launched, the pieces all fit together for the beginnings of Project REMOTE.

Project REMOTE stands for ‘Regional Educational Model for Online Technology Engagement’. The goal was simple, to make learning accessible in our remote communities, so our tribal members did not have to leave their families, subsistence lifestyle, or home in order to pursue their goals. Throughout the past 3 years, project REMOTE has supported  middle school students attending ANSEP, high school dual credit/homeschooled students, higher education students, adult education students, trainees, and Elders in their pursuit of education by providing needed technology and internet monthly fees.

Participants in the programs often received a laptop or iPad, accessories such as headphones, software such as Microsoft Office, a Starlink Kit, all courtesy of the program. The best part is, these resources stay with our tribal members, allowing for access to learning beyond the program timeline. In addition to the technology (and swag of course!) the participant’s internet was paid for through the duration of their learning. Kawerak Project REMOTE staff was also available to teach learners how to use their computer and internet, to ensure ease of access to classes.

The Lifelong Learners (adults 50+) branch of Project REMOTE had significant success due to proactive staff outreach efforts. Over 300 Lifelong Learners in the Bering Strait Region signed up for the program. Through the program, participants received instruction and technology, allowing them to access emails, YouTube videos, online tutorials and other internet resources to learn about whatever subject they are interested in. As Elders are our role-models, demonstrating that learning is a lifelong journey is a good influence on our community youth. In total, funds from the program have purchased and distributed over 450 laptops and accessories, as well as over 200 Starlink kits.

To highlight the success and innovation of the project, the grant has worked with Channel Films to create videos that capture the impact this ANEP grant has had on our region. The films can be found on Kawerak’s YouTube Channel @kawerakinc.

Although Project REMOTE funding comes to an end this September 30, 2024, there’s still time for summer 2024 higher education applications and adult education students who are enrolled in Kawerak’s AE Program to apply. If you are pursuing your online education this summer, and live within the region,  please fill out the application at or email to enroll in the last semester of support through this initiative.

Quyaana to all who have made this program a success!