On March 6 2020 joint Board of Directors meeting of Norton Sound Health Corporation and Kawerak boards a list of 30 unsung heroes were recognized. The initiative came about as the boards desired to recognize the people in the region who were doing positive things in their communities.

The call for nominations was posted in February to solicit nominations from the region. Individuals, Tribes, and organizations throughout the region were invited to submit names of people worthy of such an award. Outstanding volunteers throughout the region, were nominated. These individuals are the unsung heroes behind the scenes who deserve appreciation and recognition for their impact. You can watch the LIVE stream announcement on Kawerak’s Facebook page, or download the powerpoint below. Congratulations to those nominated and recognized:

Alyssa Heers & Hannah Katongan, Nome

  • Nominated by Krystal Hensley, Kelly Bogart, Jill Nederhood and Ashley Crowe

Brianne Gologergen, Savoonga

  • Nominated by anonymous

Charlene Isabell & Cora Ablowaluk, Teller

  • Nominated by Tanya Ablowaluk, Janelle Menadelook, and Dolly Kugzruk

Charlie Lee, Teller

  • Nominated by Jenny Lee

Angela Crisci, Wales

  • Nominated by Terry Crisci

Cynthia Crisci, Wales

  • Nominated by Terry Crisci

Dale Sookiayak, Shaktoolik

  • Nominated by Melinda Takak

Danielle Slingsby, Nome

  • Nominated by anonymous

Diane Miller, Teller/ Mary’s Igloo

  • Nominated by Tanya Ablowaluk

Doris Angusuc, Nome

  • Nominated by Carol M. Johnson

Fred Daniels, Elim

  • Nominated by Eugenia Jemewouk

Gil Van Sciver

  • Nominated by Heidi Hochhausen, FNP-BC

Glen Shipton, Sr., St. Michael

  • Nominated by Alice Fitka/Emily Kobuk

Jolene Nanouk Jones, Unalakleet

  • Nominated by Amber Cunningham

Kirstie Ione, Golovin/Nome

  • Nominated by Donna Katchatag

Linda Towarak, Unalakleet

  • Nominated by Velma Johnson

Lydia Snowball, Stebbins

  • Nominated by Marian Mike

Mary Reader, Nome

  • Nominated by Anonymous

Michael Burnett, Nome

  • Nominated by Colleen Deighton

Paul Nagaruk, Elim

  • Nominated by Anna Moore & Christina Perrigo

Peggy Darling, Nome

  • Nominated by Colleen Deighton

Richard Kuzuguk, Nome

  • Nominated by Geraldine Ongtowasruk

Jack Adams, Jay Adams, Davis Lincoln, Henry Titus, Sr., & Martin Lincoln, White Mountain (SAR team)

  • Nominated by Dorothy Barr

Ronald Ongtowasruk, Nome – Posthumous

  • Nominated by Geraldine Ongtowasruk

LaVerne Ashenfelter, Nome & Elim – Posthumous

  • Nominated by Survivors Advocacy Group of Nome


Download the powerpoint including the highlights of why they were nominated here https://kawerak.org/download/unsung-hero-powerpoint/