Climate Change Letter to Senate Indian Affairs Committee

2019-09-17T15:50:08-08:00September 17th, 2019|Climate change, Latest News & Updates, Marine, Natural Resources|

Kawerak was requested to submit our views regarding the impact of climate change on the Bering Strait Region communities. As the National Climate Assessment [...]

BLM Preferred Land Use Plan Alternative Would Open Development in Currently Undeveloped Subsistence Lands – Comment Period Open Until June 13th

2019-06-05T15:24:10-08:00June 5th, 2019|Environment, Latest News & Updates, Marine, Natural Resources, Press Releases|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 5, 2019 Contact: Austin Ahmasuk, Kawerak, Inc. Marine Advocate, (907) 443-4368   BLM Preferred Land Use Plan Alternative Would [...]

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Shaktoolik Successfully Practices Administration of Life-Saving Medication

2019-04-22T11:43:20-08:00April 12th, 2019|Environmental, Natural Resources, Uncategorized|

On April 10th the State of Alaska released a public service announcement stating the Pneumonic Plague was confirmed in Alaska to indicate the commencement [...]

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Award Bolsters Essential Protections of the Bering Sea

2018-12-19T22:25:14-09:00December 19th, 2018|Marine, Natural Resources, Press Releases, Social Science|

Kawerak Inc. is pleased to announce receipt of a multi-year grant award from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. The charitable purpose of this [...]

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Bering Strait More Prepared for Oil Spill Response

2018-09-14T14:47:26-08:00August 20th, 2018|Environmental, Latest News & Updates, Natural Resources, Programs & Workshops|

Eight communities in the Bering Strait are now more prepared with experience and training to protect our land and waters in the event of [...]

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