

Kawerak Pays Internet Service for Foster Families through COVID-19

"We take care of each other" is a Native value that has been passed on from generation to generation. In line with this value, Kawerak has approved internet payments for all foster families for the months of April and May. We are [...]

By |April 10th, 2020|Categories: Community Services, Press Releases|

Emergency Scholarship Funds to be Given to Kawerak Higher Education Students

The Kawerak Board of Directors and Kawerak's Education, Employment and Supportive Services Department have officially approved a $1000 supplemental emergency scholarship payment to go to current Kawerak Higher Education students. We recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic has placed difficulties on many of [...]

By |April 3rd, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

Oil Spill Response Kits Prepare Communities for Current Epidemic

Kawerak Inc.'s Environmental Program sent Oil Spill Response kits to 15 Bering Strait Region villages this week. The kits, originally purchased for oil spill response, have now become essential for COVID-19 preparedness at community clinics. Due to the increased ship traffic and opening of [...]

By |April 2nd, 2020|Categories: Environment, Environmental|

Head Start, Early Head Start Updates

Dear Kawerak Head Start/Early Head Start/Child Care Parents, I’m writing to give you an update on our services. Like the local school districts, we are following Governor Dunleavey’s mandate to close our services through May 1 to prevent the spread of COVID-19 [...]

By |March 24th, 2020|Categories: Head Start, Press Releases|

Pilgrim Hot Springs Prepares for Summer 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 03/24/20 Kawerak, Inc. to join Bering Straits Native Corporation as co-managing partners for Unaatuq, LLC, owner of the Pilgrim Hot Springs property Nome, AK – Kawerak, Inc. has joined Bering Straits Native Corporation as co-managing partner of Unaatuq, LLC, [...]

By |March 24th, 2020|Categories: Environmental, Latest News & Updates, Press Releases|

Kawerak Update Response to COVID-19

Updated 3.27.20 Kawerak Inc is following suit with public recommendations and taking precautions and preparing for the potential spread of COVID-19 to our region. Due to the rapidly evolving nature of the outbreak, Kawerak will be taking a proactive approach to addressing [...]

By |March 13th, 2020|Categories: Latest News & Updates, Press Releases|

Knowledge Sovereignty and the Indigenization of Knowledge

The changing climate, vessel traffic, infrastructure needs, resource development and the shifting marine ecosystem are all contributing to the gravitational pull of scientists to the Arctic. Along with their research and related activities, greater attention is also being paid to increasing the [...]

By |March 12th, 2020|Categories: Climate change, Latest News & Updates, Natural Resources, Social Science|

Seawater monitoring Results near Saint Lawrence Island by Alaska Sea Grant

Results of seawater monitoring for cesium-137 and cesium-134 near Saint Lawrence Island Created by: Alaska Sea Grant Background Since the damage of the Fukushima nuclear power plant in 2011, many Alaskans have expressed concerns about the presence of radiation in seawater and [...]

By |March 9th, 2020|Categories: Press Releases|

Kawerak Comments on Commercial Crab Closure

On February 20, 2020 Kawerak submitted a letter the the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, requesting their consideration to close the commercial king crab fishery due to low stock. The content of the letter is below, or you can download Kawerak Commercial [...]

By |February 20th, 2020|Categories: Environmental, Marine, Natural Resources, Press Releases|

Kawerak Comments on Unresolved Issues Re: Port of Nome Feasibility Report

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) released a notice for a public comment period on December 31, 2019 regarding the Port of Nome, Draft Integrated Feasibility Report. The public comment period closed January 30, 2020 to review the 267 page document. [...]

By |February 5th, 2020|Categories: Latest News & Updates, Marine, Natural Resources, Press Releases|

Co-Production of Knowledge in Research – Valuing Traditional Knowledge

The Arctic has been home to Indigenous Peoples from time immemorial. Distinct world views with complex knowledge systems passed on from generation to generation have evolved over time and are still developing in a living process today. Indigenous Peoples knowledge systems encompass both [...]

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