

THIS IS ONLY A DRILL. Ragin Contagin, Pneumonic Plague

The Plague is (NOT) here! The State of Alaska is conducting  drill to practice medication distribution across the state. On April 12th the communities of Nome and Shaktoolik will practice operating PODS, which will exist to dispense the needed antibiotic medication to [...]

By |April 10th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Child Abuse Prevention Month Activities

April is the month to GO BLUE to show your support to our most precious resource, our kids! April 5th is "Go Blue Day" so be sure to decorate yourself with all things blue. The Kawerak Child Advocacy Center has coordinated with [...]

By |April 2nd, 2019|Categories: Community Services|Tags: , , |

Bering Strait Regional Energy Summit Coming to Nome

The Kawerak Energy Program is hosting the 2019 Bering Strait Regional Energy Summit, May 7-9 in Nome. Regional residents, stakeholders and partner organizations are invited to come together to learn about energy resources. Attendees will share experiences with energy in their communities, [...]

Energy Saving Technology Testing at Kawerak

New energy tracking technology is installed and ready to go in Kawerak's Talialuk Building.  As of March 1st, sensors were installed by Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC), with help from Kawerak's IT Department and electricians from Bering Straits Development Company. It's the [...]

By |March 3rd, 2019|Categories: Environmental, Latest News & Updates|

Intro to Heavy Equipment Application Released!

After the success of the inaugural Intro to Heavy Equipment Class boasted much success, Kawerak is once again partnering with NACTEC to offer this training opportunity to bring residents from the Bering Strait directly to realistic training on heavy equipment all in [...]

By |February 19th, 2019|Categories: Employment and Training, Programs & Workshops|

Paid Summer Internship Opportunity with Kawerak!

Are you a current Kawerak Higher Education Scholarship student? Are you looking for meaningful employment over the summer? Would you like to return to the Bering Strait for the summer? If you answered yes to these questions the Kawerak Internship Program is [...]

By |February 3rd, 2019|Categories: Education, Employment, Employment and Training|

Community Feedback: VPSO Program

We invite you to share your opinion. The VPSO program is a resource for our communities to increase public safety. What are your expectations for the VPSO in your community?   Your feedback will help us improve the program and understand community [...]

By |December 27th, 2018|Categories: Community Services, Survey|Tags: , |

Award Bolsters Essential Protections of the Bering Sea

Kawerak Inc. is pleased to announce receipt of a multi-year grant award from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. The charitable purpose of this grant is to protect the Bering Strait Region’s coastal and marine ecosystems and communities from the increasing impacts [...]

By |December 19th, 2018|Categories: Marine, Natural Resources, Press Releases, Social Science|

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