


Kawerak, Inc., (Kawerak), a tribal consortium and non-profit corporation in Nome, Alaska, is soliciting bids from qualified suppliers to provide a turn key modular reindeer slaughtering facility for the Savoonga Reindeer Commercial Company (“SRCC”) Reindeer Project (“Reindeer Project)” in Savoonga Alaska. The [...]

By |November 16th, 2023|Categories: Community Planning and Development, RFP|

Inspiration, Surprises and Winners at the 2023 Fall My-Cache Scholars Banquet

The Bering Strait Higher Education My-Cache (MyCache) group once again put on a meaningful event for the scholars just post-midterms at UAA in Anchorage. Not only did scholars receive a very delicious and filling meal, but it filled their cup in a [...]

By |October 23rd, 2023|Categories: Education|

Policy Recommendations from Secretary’s Tribal Advisory Committee for the Department of the Interior

We would like to share, from the Department of the Interior’s first-ever Secretary's Tribal Advisory Committee (STAC) a list of policy recommendations made from a (first-ever) in-person meeting with Tribal leaders representing the collective priorities of the 574 federally recognized Tribes in [...]

By |October 4th, 2023|Categories: Advocacy|Tags: , , |

A Brownfields Success Story – The Golovin Fish Plant Project

The community of Golovin sits on a small peninsula in Northwest Alaska between two large bodies of water. Approximately 240 people reside in Golovin these days, but 60 years ago, during the fish processing heyday when many jobs were available, the community [...]

By |September 18th, 2023|Categories: Brownfields Success, Environment, Environmental|

RFP – Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) – Tribal Energy Planning

Summary: Our project will serve 15 of the 20 Tribes in our region, as the remaining 5 are managing their own similar projects. A qualified consultant will be chosen to work with each individual Tribe to conduct initial outreach and education virtually [...]

By |September 13th, 2023|Categories: Environment, Environmental, RFP|Tags: , , , , |

RFP – Brownfields BIL Project

RFP Summary: Kawerak, Inc.’s Environmental Program seeks a contractor to conduct a series of assessments, meetings, and plans for four sites within the Bering Strait Region. This project will provide the stepping stones needed to move these properties from contaminated to clean, [...]

By |September 13th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

Student Highlight – Mary Pete

Life doesn’t always take you in a straight line, but if you stick to what’s true to you, you will get to where you want to go. Mary Pete, Stebbins Community Association Tribal Member and recent graduate of Alaska Career College can [...]

By |September 5th, 2023|Categories: Education, Employment and Training, Highlight|Tags: |

Newly Built Head Start Facility in Shishmaref – Grand Opening!

On Wednesday August 30th, Kawerak Board, staff and the Shishmaref community came together to celebrate the new Head Start Facility Grand Opening. We are so excited for this building to be a reality and to be together to celebrate it! Everyone gathered in [...]

By |August 30th, 2023|Categories: Education, Head Start, Press Releases|Tags: |

Improving ARCTIC Act Includes Wins for Reindeer Herders

Today, U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) introduced the Improving Agriculture, Research, Cultivation, Timber, and Indigenous Commodities (ARCTIC) Act, legislation that will strengthen a variety of Farm Bill provisions to better address needs in Alaska. The “Farm Bill” is enacted every five years to address a [...]

By |July 21st, 2023|Categories: Natural Resources|Tags: |

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