Summer Youth Work Program application is now available! Students who are ages 14-24 are encouraged to apply for Kawerak’s work program for 6-8 weeks throughout the summer. This is a great opportunity for a first time job, new work experience, build or start your resume, and a chance to make some extra cash on your school break.
Students earn $12 per hour doing various jobs not limited to data entry, sorting, filing, stocking shelves, answering phones, painting, organizing and assisting with projects. Jobs are available at every Bering Strait Region village, including Nome.
To apply electronically, download the application Summer Youth Work Application or visit To apply in person, visit your local school counselor or your village’s tribal coordinator. In Nome visit us on the first floor of the Ublugiaq Building located on 504 Seppala.
If you have questions call the Employment Education and Support Services division at 1-800-450-4341.