2020 Matthew Iya Award – Kendra Takak
Announcing Matthew Iya 2020 Awardee - Kendra Nichols-Takak! Each year Kawerak employees have the opportunity to nominate a fellow employee who helps make Kawerak a great place to work. This award is in memory of the late Matthew Iya, who was our [...]
2020 Employee of the Year
Announcing Employee of the Year - Darlene Trigg! Each month Kawerak takes the time to recognize our employees who go above and beyond in their work. Many staff members are nominated and some won the employee of the quarter awards. Each [...]
"If you want to make a life for yourself, you just gotta do the work." This is the motto Ethan was taught by his father, Shawn Evan, and it's helped him remember that good things don't come unless you put in the [...]
Regional Recycling Meeting – Need Your Input!
Give Your Input About Recycling! When: Monday February 22nd, 2021 10am‐12pm Where/How to join the meeting: Telephone, Call into the meeting via 1‐800‐309‐2350 passcode: 526261# Internet, for additional visuals, join Adobe Connect Please note: all audio will only be accessed over [...]
PRESS RELEASE: Public Safety Investigation Complete
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2/12/21 PRESS RELEASE: Public Safety Investigation Complete Recently there were concerns raised by the public regarding a situation involving a Kawerak employee. We are aware that residents of Unalakleet and elsewhere were concerned for their safety. Kawerak Inc. has completed [...]
INVESTIGATION ONGOING – Measures in Place to Ensure Public Safety
INVESTIGATION ONGOING – Measures in Place to Ensure Public Safety Kawerak is aware of recent interest on social media and with the press regarding a Kawerak employee. Kawerak originally received a complaint in October. Based on the complaint, Kawerak investigated and addressed [...]
Northern Bering Sea Climate Resilience Area Restored – Tribal Organizations Express Gratitude
One of the first executive actions of President Biden after he assumed the presidential office included the restoration of the Northern Bering Sea Climate Resilience Area. The area protection was established originally during the Obama administration, then reversed by the Trump administration. [...]
BLM Issues Final Hour Decision Threatening Subsistence Lands – Kawerak Continues to Pursue Protections
January 19th the BLM released a full Record of Decision officially denying protest submitted for the Bering Sea Western Interior Resource Management plan. Both Kawerak Inc and the Native Village of Unalakleet submitted protest responses to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) [...]
January 19, 2021 Public Service Announcement NOTICE: WINTER USE AT PILGRIM HOT SPRINGS To current & future permit holders for Unaatuq, LLC and Pilgrim Hot Springs: Winter use requires a valid access permit for all parties, and is AT YOUR OWN RISK. If [...]
I AM POEM by Yorise (Olson) Yakunin
The Katirvik Cultural Center (KCC) is very grateful to Kawerak for allowing departments to be placements for summer interns. In the summer of 2020, the KCC was privileged to host Yorise (Olson) Yakunin as a summer intern. Yorise generously shared a little about [...]
Quarter 4, 2021 – Employee and Team of the Quarter
We are pleased to announce our award winners for Employees of the Quarter and Team of the Quarter for Quarter 4, October - December 2021! Employees of the Quarter Andrea Blanchette - CAC Clinician Andrea has been doing many tasks in addition [...]
Kawerak Leadership Denounces Domestic Terrorist Attack
A special message from Kawerak Inc. President Melanie Bahnke: On behalf of Kawerak, Inc., I denounce the actions taken upon our nation’s capital by domestic terrorists on Wednesday. The actions that occurred were a violation of our nation’s core and what true [...]